How much does it cost to breath? Would it be the same to sing, dance, to hold a pen and draw a sketch?
Then after the cost of that, would it be the same price after calculating the sheer happiness of that all and the feeling to share it? Can we file a complaint of robbery for spending way too much on our own natural resource?
We couldn't because of that same after feeling we payed for called our happiest success. Because we know we used our something called "passion" to be who we have to be vs. who we are, even though we had to breathe a little differently. Even though in the middle of it all we didn't know who we were anymore because we were hardly doing what we started off doing. Even though we sleep and dream of the end.
So lets say thee end is exactly a dream. The sweetest dream from a disarranged self... but hey your disarranged self is happy right? That same feeling you and me... we all payed to get. A artist's long journey priced and tagged. And hey just because we payed for it means "Nada", "not ours", cuz someone else can take, claim it, smirk at who you are now vs. who you were. Or if not... accuse you , judge you, believe it's easy to be just like you. Well of course cuz how much does it really cost or take to breath, to sing, dance and draw a sketch? Little do they know the TIT for TAT.
Don't say you haven't heard this before though... come on...maybe in a similar way? In a far away place perhaps? Because
we do cry and rave a lot about this wish to separate art and business, like separate church and state...Which makes me laugh because even that has no existence. So here goes a blog, file of complaint. Here it goes.. killing me and you who do art, cuz we all know what repetition does to us and yet we are unburied.