Saturday, June 1, 2019

Hijab & Me

Great episode. A great way of showing all sides to the equation that most people do not understand in the world. I do want to add though that when the hijab was told to be a covering for the women apx 1400 years ago... Issues in the time compared to today's issues are very similar. People back then we're not only killed for looking Muslim but also declaring they are Muslim. Infact it was alot more dangerous back then than now enough so, that the prophet exiled to the city of Medina with the majority of the muslims. They were fights braking out due to harrassment of jilbab covered cloked covered women in the streets as well as uncovered. Women have always been harrassed since early history and it has not stopped today. You might not feel the need and question the reason to cover up but maybe you haven't experienced the many experiences of sexual harrassment that is going on today. And thank Allah.. but you also want to ask your self what role are you playing in the stance for women? Islam has always been about community. We as humans beings are never only working on an individual level. Especially us women. There is always a cause and effect.