Sunday, November 26, 2017


As I keep learning more about this... I realize many females including I,  don't actually realize how this idea in islam is actually meant to serve and benefit women first before men. In fact although men have leadership roles in islam , most of those roles are meant to serve women... And then also a majority of males especially young men do not understand the responsibility and the actual purpose of this idea.

There is a large gap in our men's understanding in Islam of the importance and the liberation of women which islam has spoken of. This then translates to popular media as negative. No doubt there are those who do not practice Islam correctly and an example is terrorist. In fact there is no truth in the tittle Islam extremism or terrorism because these people are not practicing Islam at all. Islam is a belief of peace especially for women.

In Islamic hadith narratives about how Adam met Hawa (Eve), they say Adam was first lonely and longed for company. Allah (s.w.a) then, gave him a gift of Hawa (Eve) to ease his loneliness and give him tranquility. And this certain point was brought up by a famous imam Mufti Menk as he says " Do we men treat women as gifts?" " Do you women treat yourselves as gifts?"
Men fail to realize that ego and testosterone are not meant to destroy the world and claim superiority but acts of courage, protecting and providing for women and the world are meant to fill in its meaning.

Before deciding to marry a second wife the correct questions should be asked first. Are you ready to take the responsibility if this situation goes astray? If she agrees to stay, the responsibility of affecting your first wife's life if you do not do things fairly and accordingly?  If your second wife mistreats your first wife or vise versa? Do you understand that issues are now times 3 like infidelity and such? Do you get that you are not just affecting one person's life beginning with yours but 3 plus all of your children?  If the answer is yes then the advise is to think again and again and agin before the next answer.

Our prophet Muhammad (p.b.u) is seen as a very controversial figure in modern times and especially for those who are not muslim. Only by hearing and reading his life story can one truly understand that he was the best human being to exist. None would need to state this for one to truly feel this way after hearing who this man was.
As mentioned in these videos our prophet (p.b.u) was thee major role in women's lives and liberation... and this is what islam is about for women.

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