Friday, January 11, 2019


When did you realize there was a mistake? Was it when you breathed enough breaths in this world? The breaths that harbored and fertilized your premature to mature lungs before you then labeled them a mistake?

Try counting the lines on each of your hand and see how they praise your creator while you do not. In it are his 99 names and you have failed to mention not even 1.  

Your eyes, could they have been put in a different place other than where they are now? For surely bare witness that there is no mistake.

Only someone who loves you could of designed you in perfect sustenance like this. Surely it was love that gave you these opportunities to experience what it means to be alive and to even have a choice to declare a mistake.

And you could argue that your experience had defeated you or made you choose a decision that declares a mistake. That makes you not want to be alive. But you then fail to tell me the expiration date. Your expiration date. When you can then say it’s over.

Because the truth is that it’s not over and you do not know what else you can receive. But not all receiving will come without thanks. And you’re declaring a mistake while life will continue in its regard with or without you. Just like its been continuing in its regard for a very long time without you.

What would happen if the mountains declare themselves a mistake? What will happen if the sun decides not to rise?

Willingly they came together before a big bang and imagine if they didn’t.. Or if the air that you have been breathing denies to enter your body anymore. Or if your body parts declare different actions than what your brain is telling them to do?

Surely they know they are no mistakes, so how could you then know that you are?
Please bare witness that there is no mistake.

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